
Certified Organic Wheatgrass |
We cut our Wheatgrass to Order.
It's sold by the pound and 1 pound nets about 10 oz. of juice.
Call us for your Wheatgrass needs! 603-465-2240
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What are the Benefits of Wheatgrass?
- Wheatgrass juice is 70% chlorophyll.
- Chlorophyll is the first product of light and contains more light energy than any other element.
- Chlorophyll is the basis of all plant life.
- Wheatgrass is high in oxygen like all green plants that contain chlorophyll. The brain and all body tissues function at an optimal level in a highly oxygenated environment.
- Chlorophyll is anti-bacterial and can be used inside and outside the body as a healer.
- Renowned nutritionist Dr. Bernard Jensen says that it only takes minutes to digest wheatgrass juice and it uses up very little body energy.
- Science has proven that chlorophyll arrests growth and development of harmful bacteria.
- Chlorophyll in wheatgrass rebuilds the bloodstream. Studies have shown chlorophyll to be free of any toxic reaction. The red cell count was returned to normal with four to five days of the administration of chlorophyll, even in those animals that were known to be extremely anemic or low in red cell count.
- Chlorophyll can be extracted from many plants, but wheatgrass is superior because it has been found to have over 100 elements needed by man. If grown in organic soil, it absorbs 92 of the known 102 minerals from the soil.
- Wheatgrass has what is called the "grass juice factor," which has been shown to keep herbivorous animals alive indefinitely.
- Liquid chlorophyll gets into the tissues, refines them, and rebuilds and rejuvenates them.
- Wheatgrass juice is a superior detoxification agent.
- Liquid chlorophyll washes drug deposits from the body.
- Chlorophyll neutralizes toxins in the body, helps purify the liver, and improves blood sugar problems.
- Wheatgrass juice is high in enzymes and improves digestion.
- Wheatgrass juice reduces high blood pressure as it enhances the capillaries and can remove heavy metals from the body.
Above Excerpts from The Wheatgrass Book by Ann Wigmore, "WHEATGRASS JUICE"
Ann Wigmore recommends drinking wheatgrass juice within 6 minutes after juicing to get the full benefits from the live enzymes. Sipping the wheatgrass juice is also recommended, not chugging it down. This allows the saliva in your mouth to fully activate the enzymes and also allows your taste buds more time to enjoy the taste!
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